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Master of Science in Nursing
RN License & BSN Degree Required
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Enrolling now for September start.
Are you an RN with a bachelor's degree in nursing who's interested in furthering your career? 黑料视频’s Master of Science in Nursing can open doors and provide opportunities that build on your skills and experience. Across the country, from urban to rural health centers, the demand for nurses is high. And the need for nurses with a master’s degree has never been greater.
As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, nurses who can guide in best practices will be invaluable. Our Master of Science in Nursing offers you a unique, curriculum in administration, and education, providing a blend of knowledge that can allow you to pursue new directions in nursing; take on leadership roles as a nurse educator or administrator with confidence; and prepare you for future trends in health care.
What Makes Our Master of Science in Nursing Distinctive
Online, our 36-credit Master of Science in Nursing is ideal for working adults with start dates in the spring and fall. The residency courses provide you the opportunity to apply what you have learned and position you to be “Job Ready” as a nurse educator and or a nurse administrator.
Fullyasynchronous,our online Master of ScienceinNursing program allowsyoutolearnonyourtimeand your schedule.
The Master of Science in Nursing facultyare all active practitioners and leaderswith experience as nurse educators and administrators fromcollegesanduniversitiesacrossthecountry,providingyouwith insight and the most recent developments in nursing.
Ourcoursesequenceblendsthelatestknowledge for leadership development innursingandpatient-centered care,bestbusinesspracticesinhealthcare,foundationsofteaching,andadministration development.
The clinical portion of the program can be completed at your current healthcare facility, or we can assist you in your placement.
Pathway to Your Doctor of Nurse Practice
黑料视频 University's Doctor of Nursing Practice - Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP) didactic courses are offered 100% online. The DNP online program is for registered nurses (RNs) who have completed their Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and wish to obtain the skills to become advanced nurse practitioners.
If you earned your Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Master of Science in Nursing from 黑料视频, some of your course credits may transfer directly into the DNP program, contributing to earning your doctoral degree. Please ask our program advisor/program director for more details.
Our Accreditation Status
"The master's degree program in nursing at 黑料视频 University is pursuing initial accreditation by the , 655 K Street BW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791. Applying for accreditation does not guarantee that accreditation will be granted."